Friday, July 17, 2009

Fwd: Do Not Advertise List

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mike Thaller" <>
Date: July 17, 2009 8:34:19 AM PDT
Subject: Do Not Advertise List

At one of our recent meetings I mentioned the memo of advertisers that refused to advertise on progressive talk radio.  The memo is attached.  The memo went out to radio stations that used ABC Network news and told them who refused to advertise on Air America affiliates and that they should "black out" and commercials for these advertisers during the news broadcast.  This was back when Air America and KLSD had only been on the air a few months.


Interesting, I think, that both Microsoft and GE are on the list.  They are the co-owners of MSNBC and later discovered that there was a market for progressive "news" and that profit trumps political philosophy.


I'm off to San Francisco in a couple hours.  See you later,



Mike Thaller

Sunday, July 05, 2009

'Mysterious' Ocean Current...

This is not the first time this has occurred nor will it be the last...
We are used to dealing with RIP Currents at the water's surface, but this is a current dangerous for SCUBA Divers.

Thanks to Terry Straight, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, and KFMB Ch 8, divers now will know and understand this phenomenum.

Not so mysterious, but important to know and understand.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ocean Circulation Doesn't Work As Expected

techno-vampire writes with word that a long-accepted model of deep ocean currents is inaccurate. Deep Sea News has a summary of the research, to be published in Nature. TheWoods Hole press release has more details. "A 50 year old model of global thermohaline circulation that predicts a deep Atlantic counter current below the Gulf Stream is now formally called into question by an armada of subsurface RAFOS floats drifting 700 - 1500m deep. Nearly 80% of the RAFOS floats escaped the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC), drifting into the open ocean. This confirms suspicions that have been around since the 1990's, and likely plays havoc with global models of climate change."

Discuss this story at: Slashdot

Friday, May 01, 2009

Homeless Children in San Diego

Homeless Children! In San Diego!!
They turn to prostitution for money!
This is Crazy.

Campaign for Abandoned Youth Trailer: from on Vimeo.